attval是一个宏命令,好像不是自带的。代码如下。将其拷贝并存为attval,再放到~/vnmrsys/maclib/下就行了 "attval(pw90,tpwr) - calculated pw and B1 values" " for various attenuator settings" "Warning - calibrations should be done at less than tpwr of 60" "to insure a linear response" clear if $#=2 then $pwref=$1 $attref = $2 $attval= 63 if $attref >60 then write('alpha','Non Linear response possible with reference above 60 dB') endif write('alpha','Attenuator Value PW90(usec) B1(Hz)') repeat exp(($attref-$attval)*2.303/20):$mult $pwval = $pwref*$mult $B1val = 250000/$pwval write('alpha','%10.0f%15.1f%14.1f',$attval,$pwval,$B1val) $attval = $attval - 1 until $attval < -16 else write('line3','usage: attval(pw,tpwr)') endif