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MRI Accidents Report 270% Increase over Four Years

发表于 2009-3-13 10:58:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to a United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) database, 2008 saw a 30% increase in the number of reported magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) accidents. In the four years following 2004, a FDA’s database catalogues a 270% increase in MRI accidents. But what may be even more troubling than the dramatic increase in reported accidents are the numbers not included in the FDA’s data.

The extreme power of the magnets used for MRI imaging (typically tens-of-thousands of times greater than our exposure to the Earth’s own magnetic field) can readily draw ferromagnetic materials to the scanner, sometimes with deadly results. These types of accidents, frequently referred to as ‘projectile’ or ‘missile’ accidents, are the most common MRI accident and yet comprise a slim minority of the FDA’s accident reports, according to the FDA’s MAUDE (Manufacturer and User Facility Device Database Experience) database.

The failure to report projectile accidents is one reason why many experts believe that the FDA’s data may represent only 1% of the actual number of MRI accidents that occur, suggesting that the frequency and variety of accidents is far greater than is widely believed by the industry. Most MRI accidents, including missile events, are the type of accidents that are frequently classified as “never events.” These are negative outcomes, such as wrong-site surgeries, that could readily be avoided by adherence to contemporary best practices, according to Tobias Gilk, president and MRI safety director of Mednovus, Inc. (Leucadia, CA, USA), a company that provides products and service in the MR safety industry.

Effective screening of patients, visitors, and even staff, is of critical importance prior to allowing the individuals near the MRI scanner. This screening is comprised of both a clinical screening, intended to find potential complications or contraindications for the MRI exam, such as pacemakers or intolerance for contrast agents, and a physical screening to help assure that ubiquitous ferromagnetic materials are not brought into the MRI scanner room.

The single revolution in pre-MRI screening, providing new protections above traditional verbal screening and medical record review, is the ferromagnetic detector. Whereas conventional “airport-style” metal detectors alarm on aluminum, titanium, and other non-magnetic metals of which many appliance for the MRI suite are made, the new generation of ferromagnetic-only detectors alarm exclusively on those materials that are attracted to the immense magnetic field of the MRI scanner.

In the interest of enhancing MRI safety, ferromagnetic detection prescreening systems have been recommended by the UK Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA; London, UK), FDA, the Joint Commission (Oakbrook Terrace, Il, USA), the American College of Radiology (Reston, VA, USA), and other professional bodies. But the benefits to the MRI provider in reducing the likelihood of injurious accidents are not solely altruistic.

In 2008, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA; Washington, DC, USA) published their average cost of a MRI projectile accident, exclusive of equipment downtime overhead costs, at US$43,172 per incident. Providers that depend on perprocedure reimbursement would likely compound the VA’s direct costs with significant additional costs associated with lost patient throughput. Whereas ferromagnetic detection products can considerably reduce the risks of projectile accidents when used appropriately, they should be viewed as an integral adjunct to thorough and conscientious conventional screening practices and not a replacement for traditional methods, according to the MAUDE database.

With the profound increase in MRI accident rates and the high costs of MRI system repair and downtime, there are coincident professional and financial imperatives to reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes in the MRI environment. One solution that should be first at every MRI provider’s list should be the ferromagnetic detector, according to Mr. Gilk.

MAUDE data represent reports of adverse events involving medical devices. The data consist of voluntary reports since June 1993, user facility reports since 1991, distributor reports since 1993, and manufacturer reports since August 1996.

Mednovus has a pre-MRI screening development project with the National Research Council, Canada (NRC)--the Canadian government research organization comparable to National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States.

Mednovus is a corporation that provides products and service in the MR safety industry.

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发表于 2009-4-27 14:09:36 | 显示全部楼层
1、甘菘 # B7 `! ^- M! O: j; ^, }5 Z0 w5 }   在麻辣火锅汤料或卤菜中常用的一种毛绒绒、黑褐色的根状香料,成都人称为香草,重庆人称其为香菘,其实应该叫甘菘,又名甘菘香。甘菘气味辛香,近似强烈的松节油气味,具有理气止痛、开郁醒脾的作用,是被用作治疗胸腹胀痛、胃痛呕吐、食欲不振、消化不良的一味中药。在麻辣火锅汤料或卤水中加入此香料,其香味浓郁。不过要注意量的把握,一次用量不宜超过5克,否则香气“腻人”。 ( ]* b( U. Z5 }  2、丁香 * I3 h2 W& k9 M- \$ L) }" p  又叫公丁香、子丁香,为丁香的花蕾,烹调中常用的是干品,香味浓,尝之有刺舌、麻舌感,其性味辛温,有暖胃、止嗝逆、驱风、镇痛的作用。在烹调中的用量应在1~2克以内,千万不可多用。 ! u) u( v+ V/ V: |) d j. X   3、八角 7 S0 j& M6 h; k  应叫八角茴香,又叫大茴香、大料、八月珠,这是人们较为熟悉的一味香料。其特点是闻之芳香,尝之微甜。其性味辛、温,有温中开胃,祛寒疗疝的作用。在烹调中无论是火锅、红烧、卤水均可使用。由于其香味是有人喜欢有人烦,故在使用中比较灵活,以5~10克为宜。 7 [6 d+ E& O! `. p2 J; q2 Y   4、小茴香 # `4 F; d$ I' w) b7 G6 T! z# @& `  又叫茴香、香丝菜、怀香、野茴香。全国多数地区都有栽培,且为人们所熟悉,其鲜品茎叶在烹调中常见用于制作茴香胡豆、茴香馅饺子等。其成熟果实犹如小稻谷粒或孜然,有特异芳香气。作为香料使用,广泛用于红烧、卤水、麻辣火锅中。在火锅中可适当加大用量,比如10~20克或更多一些。在药用方面,其性味辛温,有行气止痛、健胃、散寒的作用。 4 B1 m# P) k1 X$ V0 R  5、草果 . ?- J4 e0 s$ i/ e   一种姜科植物草果的果实,尝之味怪,不好受。其药性温、味辛,有燥湿健脾、祛痰温中、逐寒抗疟疾的作用。烹调中可拍破或整粒使用,作为香料与牛肉同烧或同卤,其风味尤佳。草果在麻辣火锅和卤水中也不得多用,放3~5个较为合适。 6 X" F% s+ q+ b2 M2 k' r3 b7 C% O   6、砂仁 ( \. ^! w' C7 {1 u. t1 d   又叫春砂仁、阳春砂仁,系植物阳春砂的成熟果实,尝之涩口,闻之有香味,药性温,味辛。有行气宽中,健胃消食之功,药用于胃腹胀痛、食欲不振、恶心呕吐、肠炎、痢疾、胎动不安等症。用于火锅和卤菜中则不可过多,以3克以内为宜。 7 P, v! z: \3 P   7、三奈 2 C" b/ P% S1 g4 p) |  有的地方也叫沙姜、山辣,为根状茎。杂货店、中药店出售的为其干制切片,其味芳香。药性温、味辛,能温中化湿、行气止痛,主治急性肠胃炎,消化不良,腹痛泄泻,胃寒疼痛,牙痛,风湿性关节炎,跌打损伤等。在烹调中多用于烧、卤、麻辣火锅,用量多在5~10克之间。广东人把沙姜用于制作盐?鸡。近年来,四川江湖菜中有“三奈菜”的制作,即是说主料加上大量的三奈和干红辣椒、干花椒烹制而成。这道菜因其味芬香奇特,故受人称道,不过还未见有报道。 " n2 N( p& h. d" y6 y+ g  8、灵草 5 \% E, A [% ?2 C( f   为近几年广泛用于火锅的一味香料。因为市场所售皆为干品,故不好辨认。经过多方请教,将干品拿给我校徐江普副教授验证:应叫灵香草,又名零陵香,为报春花科珍珠菜属植物。属多年生草本,有浓烈香气,性味甘平。在麻辣火锅中运用,一般用量不超过5克。市场上还有另外一种灵草,名罗勒,可代替上面一种,但属唇形科植物,也叫零陵香,又叫九层塔、香草、香佩兰、鸭头、雀头草等,其性味辛温。在药用方面,其性味辛温,有治风寒、感冒头痛等作用。 " V+ Q6 u( z& g* x  9、排草 & q k6 K, ]0 c6 r" ~. e  与灵草一样,也是近年来在麻辣火锅中运用普遍的一味香料。前几天,我请熊四智教授帮助查找相关资料,很快得到结果:排草又叫排香,香排草,香羊,毛柄珍珠菜,也属报春花科植物,其性味甘平。具有治感冒、咳嗽、风湿病、月经不调等作用。在麻辣火锅中用量也不宜多,3~5克即可,也可在卤水中使用。有人说,在麻辣火锅和卤水中,“灵草增香,排草防腐”,其实很多辛香味调料都不同程度地具有抑菌防腐作用。 ) H$ J; O, O( h# T7 }   10、白豆蔻 ( X; \. v. {3 I/ I   又叫圆豆蔻,市场上或药店有写为百叩、叩仁的。口尝之有涩味,因其药性味辛温,故有行气理气,暖胃消食,化湿止吐,解酒毒的作用。在麻辣火锅中加入3~5克即可。因其香味佳,故用量少。 7 [# A+ V* z( L1 J3 @# n% c  11、肉豆蔻 + N6 Z$ C6 P. G! l   别名玉果。近年来在火锅中运用十分普遍,不过尝之味亦不好受,其药性味辛温,具有暖脾胃、涩肠、下气的作用。此物不可多用,2-3个即可。 " i0 o5 w' D. N4 p, K   12、桂皮 % u6 t2 j6 o1 y) y/ U9 M( M   又称肉桂。性味辛甘、热,有补元阳、暖脾胃、除积冷、通血脉的功效。主治肾阳虚衰、心腹冷痛、久泻等。油性大,香味浓烈。尝之味辛辣、回味略甜。在麻辣火锅和卤菜中运用很普遍,用量5~10克为宜。 7 t5 h% f1 N" O. K l   13、孜然 6 f% F- L( _6 }  别名阿拉伯小回香,安息茴香,属伞形科植物,孜然芹的种子,主要产于我国边域一带,果形呈椭圆形.两端细长约5毫米,宽3毫米,淡绿灰色,形同小茴香,使用时注意保存,尽量密封,以免跑味达不到效果. " s2 O; L" ?* Q4 v/ O/ _- c  14、香叶 : |' p3 f; G9 v8 T- @& X   即桂树之叶呈灰绿状,以体无霉癍,香气浓郁味上品.作用,增香去异味,促进食欲.9 h3 Z6 c [) h! |7 J1 ?( k # E! t% b" Y9 {+ s 技术支持:ZXTD * Q% s7 M6 f6 i
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