楼上地说絙ruker的icon nmr,这里多说几句。 作为NMR维护人员或是常驻操作人员,匀场shimming本身就是应该定期维护的。你用Bruker的IconNMR作自动调节,正因为你们定期维护,所以比较容易达到好的工作状态。另外和你磁体强度有关,300到400MHz的匀场相对容易,500MHz以上,越高越不易。你的IconNMR实际上和另一个贴子有人提到的tune的方法一样,基本是用simplex optimization。另一个帖子有人问如何匀场,如果shimming真的很坏,而操作人员又没有很好的手动匀场经验,可以打Bruker服务电话,请在服务工程师的指导下用NMR tool里面的simplex命令,这个不需要topspin软件,不需要gradient shim 2H的硬件卡,bruker出品的机器都可以运用。 对于不熟悉tune或icon nmr的,可以参考下面转帖的方法,自己半手动的调。匀场是个经验加技巧活,需要自己实践摸索的。。。。 Shimming: a) Manually Adjust the Z1 and Z2 shims using the BSMS buttons and wheel. i) Press the [Standby] button on the BSMS unit when done. b) Click on the [Shim] cpan button (command = tune Z1Z2) for a quick auto-shim. i) A better shim can be obtained by using the command “ tune ZZ3 ”, which optimized Z1, Z2, and Z3; however, this takes significantly more time. c) Watch for the "tune: finished" prompt at the bottom-left corner of the window (or "cmdpanaux: finished" if you used the command panel button). Also, the auto-tune LED on the BSMS unit so be on when the tune/shim is complete. d) For more thorough shimming, type the command “tune”. This brings up a menu of shimming procedures. i) “Z2Z3”, does a simplex optimization of Z1-Z3, takes quite awhile d) For more thorough shimming, type the command “tune”. This brings up a menu of shimming procedures. d) For more thorough shimming, type the command “tune”. This brings up a menu of shimming procedures. i) “Z2Z3”, does a simplex optimization of Z1-Z3, takes quite awhile ii) “Z2Z4”, does a simplex optimization of Z1, Z2, and Z4...takes about as long as i) above. iii) “Full_Shim” does Z1 and Z2, turns the spinner off, optimizes the low-order nonspinning shims, turns the spinner back on, and full optimizes the “Z” shims. This takes up to 15 minutes to perform....not recommended for routine samples. 上面的基本是简单的匀场,对于想自己练习手动匀场的,还是阅读下面文章里面的the art of shimming,选自200 and More NMR Experiments: A Practical Course http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/73/35273106/3527310673.pdf
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